Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Why I am voting for Barack Obama

  1. He is smart as hell. Our society and our systems need more than catchy slogans to be made to work properly. They need someone that can understand them and make the right policy decisions.
  2. We have a two-party system. Despite John McCain's best efforts to portray himself as somehow not being a member of the party that has screwed up America, he is and has voted with them most of the time. It is absurd to think that McCain will win and arrive in Washington with all new people. It will be business as usual. Bad business.
  3. I believe for the most part that republicans are motivated by greed and democrats are motivated by a desire to serve all the people.
  4. Obama has the vision to move America into the twenty-first century and to once again reestablish America as the shining beacon on the hill. McCain just knows how to say things that sound good like Mom and apple pie.
  5. Men with experience have gotten us into the predicament we are in now so frankly I think that experience may be a little over-rated.
  6. Sarah Palin.
  7. I have two daughters. I believe Obama will institute policies and laws that will be much more helpful to them than anything McCain and his cronies will do. I think the record is crystal clear on this.
  8. I listen to both sides and the republicans are liars. In fact, I think that is why they are always claiming media bias. The media calls them out more then the democrats because they lie more, a lot more.


mamaevel said...

i've always thought that the republicans are motivated more by what they see the government's role as: a protector. hence, lots of military spending, systematic dismantling of the new deal, interference with non-traditional families, blah blah blah. threats are the number one concern. whereas i kind of think that democrats are more motivated by government as service to the people it governs. i don't necessarily think that greed or lying is an over-arching party issue for the repubs any more than it is for the dems. it's just huge philosophical differences.

although, this last administration...jesusgod...lying liars.

bleahy said...

There are conservative republicans that are concerned about social issues: stopping abortion, blocking gay marriage, family values, etc. And there are moderate republicans that are concerned about economic issues: privatizing social security, reducing taxes on business, reducing taxes on capital gains, stopping employers from paying for health insurance. The moderates are partly motivated by a belief that these things wouldbe good for the economy (with all the lovely trickle down benefits) and partly by greed.